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Thursday 7th November, 2013 – 6.30pm – NOLA Restaurant and Bar

PFG Beijing and Inspiration Group Asia are teaming up to present an informative evening about the causes of air pollution, developments in building techniques that help solve these problems and the real estate opportunities currently available in one of Europe’s most vibrants cities; Berlin.

40%-50% of Urban energy consumption in China is attributed not to transportation or industry, but to buildings – the buildings we live and work in. Since most electricity is generated by burning coal – the impact of energy efficient buildings on pollution levels could be dramatic. Intelligent design solutions, and a series of proven modification to existing buildings are probably the most cost effective way to create a sustainable change in our cities. Recognizing the environmental impact of energy efficient buildings, cities such as Berlin are actively facilitating the upgrading of existing structures to energy efficient ones.

Architect Tony Leung (PhD) will present examples of projects which are transforming the way we approach the design of urban structures, and present tangible examples in which we can modify our own homes in an eco-friendly way.

Our Guests
Tony Leung PhD., Eco-Architect at Inkmason International
Is an Environmental Architect specializing in the fields of sustainable building design and ecological retrofitting of existing structures. As may be expected Tony is passionate about things such as daylighting strategy, occupancy comfort, and energy efficiency; a passion which he loves nothing more than to share with the community he lives in. Tony has recently moved to Beijing back from Australia and is cooperating with Inkmason International Architectural Design (Beijing) Co. Ltd. on developing a green building design / consultancy portfolio.


Elan Frankel, Inspiration Group, Marketing Director
Has spent years working with NGO’s often focusing on the seam zone between economic, social and environmental issues. Elan will present the impact Green urban policies have had on Berlin and the real estate investment opportunities available in this city.


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