1-855-CORP360 inquiries@corp360.ca

Tax Consulting

Maximize Profits -Minimize Penalties

Benjamin Franklin was quoted as saying “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes”. The need for good tax advice when it comes to running a business is absolutely paramount. With effective advice and planning, we can effectively reduce tax burden, enhance financial performance and reduce the likelihood of further owing money compounded with penalties.

We consistently stay up-to-date with the latest tax laws and opportunities to ensure that your company can maximize revenues while making sure that the optimal amount of money is set aside to make tax payments. If you are behind – no problem – we will devise a tax strategy to make sure that your company receives the minimal financial backlash in order to pick up and keep moving.

Our tax strategies are trusted by hundreds of small and medium-sized businesses across Alberta and Canada alike. Allow us to begin optimizing your tax position to help you organize and build your business that runs like clockwork.


In today’s complex tax environment, businesses and individuals are constantly faced with having to consider taxes before transacting. Many times, severe financial hindrances or hardship can occur when decisions are made while ignoring the tax burden. At the same time, the right information can be a powerful tool in the decision making process.

We are here to advise you of the tax consequences of your decisions before you transact and to ensure that you are not taken by surprise down the road.


When it comes time to crunching the numbers, we are here to prepare and file any necessary personal, business or corporate tax returns accurately and on schedule, so as to avoid any unnecessary interest and penalties.

As part of our ongoing commitment to you, we will provide you with reminders of upcoming tax filings so that you are never taken by surprise and unprepared.



Now is always a good time to plan for taxes.  Whether personal, business or corporate tax planning is required, it is never too early to open the discussion.  In certain situations, such as the sale of a business, or succession planning, steps have to be taken years before the event.  In regular day to day tax planning, it is always best to speak with an advisor as the year unfolds, as opposed to waiting for year end to identify tax minimizing strategies.

We are here to ensure that you taxes are minimized through proper, continuous and adequate tax planning.